Contact Us
Looking for more information, have a question, or need help? You'll find our most frequently called numbers under the "Main numbers" listing below. For frequently called numbers in our medical center, please see the listings under "Medical center departments." For our companies, please see "Other Cook Children's services" below. And, of course, you can always call our main number: 682-885-4000. This line is answered 24 hours a day.
Cook Children's Medical Center
801 7th Ave.
Fort Worth, Texas 76104682-885-4000 -
Cook Children's Medical Center Prosper
4100 W. University Dr.
Prosper, TX 75078945-204-4100 -
Patient Representative Office
For complaints682-885-5325 -
Applicants can apply using one of our kiosks at 750 Eighth Ave, first floor. In order to be considered for employment, you must apply through our careers page by setting up a profile and applying on-line.
Emergency Registration
Surgery Pre-Registration682-885-4231
682-885-2965 -
Behavioral Health682-885-3917
Billing inquiries:
Toll Free682-885-4432
888-852-6635 -
All other departments:
Car Seat Checks682-885-2634
Case Management/RN Case Manager682-885-7932
Chaplain/Spiritual Care682-885-4030
Child Life682-885-4048
Cystic Fibrosis Clinic682-885-6299
Emergency Department682-885-4093
Eye Clinic (Vision Center)682-885-4499
Genetics Screening & Counseling
1300 West Lancaster Avenue
Fort Worth, TX 76102682-885-2170 -
Hematology/Oncology Clinic682-885-4007
Infectious Disease Clinic682-885-3920
Information Desk682-885-6200
Interpreter Services682-885-7932
Library and Family Resource Center682-885-3976
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit682-885-4382
Nephrology Clinic682-885-4260
Neurology/Neurosurgery Clinic682-885-2500
Nursing Administration682-885-4366
Orthopedic Clinic682-885-4405
Patient Information682-885-6200
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (waiting room)682-885-4269
Pediatric Surgery682-885-7080
Public Relations/Marketing:
Media Only:682-885-4242
682-885-1080 -
Pulmonary Clinic682-885-6299
Rehabilitation Services(Physical & Occupational)682-885-4063
Social Work682-885-7932
Surgical Information682-885-4051
Volunteer Services682-885-4337
Cook Children's Health Foundation
801 7th Ave.
Fort Worth, Texas 76104682-885-4105 -
Cook Children's Home Health
801 7th Ave.
Fort Worth, Texas 76104682-885-6294
800-747-8242 -
Cook Children's Investment Management682-885-5873
Cook Children's Physician Network
801 7th Ave.
Fort Worth, Texas 76104682-885-6800 -
Cook Children's Health Services
PedsPal, physician group purchasing organization
801 7th Ave.
Ft. Worth, TX 76104