Cook Children's Medical Center and Cook Children's Physician Network have contracts with the following health care insurance companies, and we are committed to growing this list. We want to be sure that every family and child in our community has the coverage they need to get and stay healthy.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas HMO Blue Essentials
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas PAR - Cook Children's Medical Center Fort Worth Only
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas PPO
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas Premier
Blue Cross Blue Shield HealthSelect of Texas
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas HPN
Cigna Healthcare of Texas**
EHN- Employers Health Network
First Health Network*
Fort Worth Firefighters 440
Galaxy Healthcare Network
HealthSmart Payors Organization/HealthSmart*
Imagine Health
MultiPlan Inc/PHCS*
Providence Health Alliance
Baylor Scott and White Health Plan**
United Healthcare PPO/EPO**
USA Managed Care Organizations
* Does NOT include Physician Only Plans or Christian Healthcare Sharing Ministry Plans
** Excluding exchange products
To confirm that your insurance is covered, please review Cook Children's accepted insurance plans.
Cook Children's Medical Center and Cook Children's Physician Network have contracts with the following health care insurance companies, and we are committed to growing this list. We want to be sure that every family and child in our community has the coverage they need to get and stay healthy.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas HMO Blue Essentials
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas PAR - Cook Children's Medical Center Fort Worth Only
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas PPO
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas Premier
Blue Cross Blue Shield HealthSelect of Texas
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas HPN
Cigna Healthcare of Texas**
EHN- Employers Health Network
First Health Network*
Fort Worth Firefighters 440
Galaxy Healthcare Network
HealthSmart Payors Organization/HealthSmart*
Imagine Health
MultiPlan Inc/PHCS*
Providence Health Alliance
Baylor Scott and White Health Plan**
United Healthcare PPO/EPO**
USA Managed Care Organizations
* Does NOT include Physician Only Plans or Christian Healthcare Sharing Ministry Plans
** Excluding exchange products
To confirm that your insurance is covered, please review Cook Children's accepted insurance plans.
Meet Dr. Kristal L. Woldu
Growing up, I always knew I wanted to help people and was drawn to medicine. My father is a physician and spending time with him in the hospital showed me what an amazing relationship a doctor can have with their patients. In pursuing my career in medicine, I found no specialty more intellectually stimulating and emotionally rewarding than pediatrics. Understanding the evolving pathophysiology of diseases in children on the first day, the first month, the first year, and the twenty-first year of life, captivated me. Throughout my training, I have cherished the duty, responsibility, and privilege that a pediatrician assumes when a parent puts their child's life into our hands. I continually strive to be worthy of that trust and give each child the healthy future that they deserve.
Nowhere have I experienced more interesting pathophysiology and more ability to truly impact children's lives than in pediatric cardiology. Understanding the physics of a malformed heart and accurately counseling the family through the initial diagnosis has an immeasurable influence on the care of patients and their families. In particular fetal echocardiography not only allows for diagnosis of heart disease in utero, allowing for invaluable time to prepare and connect with parents prenatally, but also provides the unique opportunity to potentially alter the course of disease. Being the first person to tell a family that there is a problem with their unborn child and to take them through an understanding of what that means is an incredibly powerful and intimate connection, which is never easy but I try my hardest to let families know that this is a road that we will embark on together.
I love spending time with my family and friends whenever I can. We have two wonderful, active, happy young sons and a sweet baby girl as the newest addition to our growing family. Although our little ones keep us pretty busy, my husband (also a physician) and I love to travel, watch a good movie, and enjoy great food. I have always been interested in arts and loved to dance, sing opera, paint, and play piano (when I have the time!). I love to be active, run outside in good weather, and am always up for a new adventure as a family.
Although I am not originally from Texas, it has quickly felt like home. We are lucky to have grandparents and extended family nearby. I grew up in Canada and Idaho before moving to New York for college and lived there for many years before moving to Texas. We feel very lucky to have found this community to call home.
Fetal echocardiography
Prenatal and fetal consultation
Congenital heart condition treatments during pregnancy
Transesophageal echocardiography
Congenital transthoracic echocardiography
Treatment of congenital and acquired heart disease
Electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG)
Holter and home EKG monitoring
Event monitoring
Stress testing
Routine outpatient care
Kristal L. Woldu MD, Karen Altmann MD, Mariel Turner MD, Anjali Chelliah MD, Stéphanie Levasseur MD. Challenges Associated with Restrictive Atrial Septum in a Neonate with d-Transposition of the Great Arteries in the Setting of a Left Juxtaposed Right Atrial Appendage. ASE Clinical Case. (Submission pending).
Woldu KL, Arya B, Bacha EA, Williams IA. Impact of Neonatal Versus Nonneonatal Total Repair of Tetralogy Of Fallot and Growth in the First Year of Life. Ann Thorac Surg. 2014 Oct;98(4):1399-404.
Arya B, Woldu K, Levasseur SM, Glickstein JS, Andrews HF, Williams IA. Fetal Echocardiographic Measurements and the Need for Neonatal Surgical Intervention in Tetralogy of Fallot. Pediatric Cardiology. 2014 Jun;35(5):810-6. (Abstract Published in Congenital Heart Disease 2012. 7:487)
Woldu KL, Lee A, Addonizio LJ, Zuckerman WA. Early-Onset Anthracycline-Induced Heart Failure in Osteogenic Sarcoma Leading to Transplantation. (Manuscript in submission process)
Abstracts and presentations:
Kristal L. Woldu MD, Anna Joong, MD, Lindsay R. Freud, MD, Linda J. Addonizio, MD, Marc E. Richmond, MD, MS. Early Assessment of Right Ventricular Systolic Function in Pediatric Heart Transplant Patients. (Poster Presentation at American Society of Echocardiography 27th Annual Scientific Sessions, June 2016)
Joong A, McKinstry J, Swaminathan N, Woldu KL, Glickstein JS, Flyer J. Improving Peer Mentorship in Fellowship: A Fellow "House" Program. (Poster Presentation at American College of Cardiology 2016 Education Research Poster Session at the Training Directors' Symposium. Chicago, IL, April 1, 2016)
Woldu KL, Arya B, Bacha EA, Williams IA. Tetralogy of Fallot: Neonatal versus Non-neonatal Surgical Full Repair and Growth in the First Year of Life. (Oral Presentation at the American Academy of Pediatrics Cardiology Section, 2012) (Abstract Published in Congenital Heart Disease 2012. 7: 488-9)
Zuckerman WA. Woldu KL, Richmond ME, Rakesh RK, Lee TM, Lee A, Addonizio LJ. Successful Heart Transplantation in Three Pediatric Patients with Early-Onset Anthracycline-Induced Heart Failure Following Treatment for Osteogenic Sarcoma. (Poster Presentation at the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation 34th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions, April 2014)
Medical School:
Columbia University - College of Physicians and Surgeons
Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital of New York - Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center
Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital of New York - Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center (Pediatric Cardiology), UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (Advanced Fellowship in Cardiac Imaging and Fetal Echocardiography)
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