Cook Children's Medical Center and Cook Children's Physician Network have contracts with the following health care insurance companies, and we are committed to growing this list. We want to be sure that every family and child in our community has the coverage they need to get and stay healthy.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas HMO Blue Essentials
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas PAR - Cook Children's Medical Center Fort Worth Only
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas PPO
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas Premier
Blue Cross Blue Shield HealthSelect of Texas
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas HPN
Cigna Healthcare of Texas**
EHN- Employers Health Network
First Health Network*
Fort Worth Firefighters 440
Galaxy Healthcare Network
HealthSmart Payors Organization/HealthSmart*
Imagine Health
MultiPlan Inc/PHCS*
Providence Health Alliance
Baylor Scott and White Health Plan**
United Healthcare PPO/EPO**
USA Managed Care Organizations
* Does NOT include Physician Only Plans or Christian Healthcare Sharing Ministry Plans
** Excluding exchange products
To confirm that your insurance is covered, please review Cook Children's accepted insurance plans.
Cook Children's Medical Center and Cook Children's Physician Network have contracts with the following health care insurance companies, and we are committed to growing this list. We want to be sure that every family and child in our community has the coverage they need to get and stay healthy.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas HMO Blue Essentials
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas PAR - Cook Children's Medical Center Fort Worth Only
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas PPO
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas Premier
Blue Cross Blue Shield HealthSelect of Texas
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas HPN
Cigna Healthcare of Texas**
EHN- Employers Health Network
First Health Network*
Fort Worth Firefighters 440
Galaxy Healthcare Network
HealthSmart Payors Organization/HealthSmart*
Imagine Health
MultiPlan Inc/PHCS*
Providence Health Alliance
Baylor Scott and White Health Plan**
United Healthcare PPO/EPO**
USA Managed Care Organizations
* Does NOT include Physician Only Plans or Christian Healthcare Sharing Ministry Plans
** Excluding exchange products
To confirm that your insurance is covered, please review Cook Children's accepted insurance plans.
Meet Dr. Steve Muyskens
"I give every patient and family I see, in the hospital or clinic, as much time as they need to understand the situation. I'll draw a picture or create a diagram, and walk them through the illness and treatment piece by piece," says Steve Muyskens, M.D.
Dr. Muyskens grew up in Des Moines, Iowa, and quickly developed an interest in the sciences and medicine. He attended the University of Kansas for undergraduate training and graduated with a B.A. in biology. In between studies, he spent his free time volunteering through the United Way of Douglas County and in local emergency rooms. He also realized his passion for Kansas basketball and spent the cold Kansas winters attending basketball games.
After graduation, he attended medical school at the University of Iowa, Carver College of Medicine. During his third and fourth years of medical school he became interested in pediatric cardiology and the care of these patients in underserved countries. He was awarded the Barry Freeman Memorial Fellowship and traveled to Efate, Vanuatu, in the South Pacific to volunteer at a local hospital. The experience of working with sick children, especially those with heart disease, with limited resources shaped his practice and passion for cardiology.
Dr. Muyskens trained in pediatrics and pediatric cardiology at Washington University School of Medicine in Saint Louis, MO. During those six years, he developed his interest in non-invasive imaging and pursued additional training in cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (CMRI) and computed tomography. He also met his wife, Melissa, a pediatric cardiovascular intensive care nurse. Following graduation, he participated in a physician fellowship at Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard School of Medicine, increasing his knowledge and experience in CMRI.
Since being at Cook Children's, Dr. Muyskens has developed the CMRI program which performs and interprets CMRI in patients of all ages and with all types of heart disease. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is noninvasive and takes pictures of the heart and surrounding structures using a large magnet, radiowaves and a computer. Additionally, the imaging is obtained without using radiation. MRIs are performed to evaluate the structure and function of the heart and blood vessels and may provide cardiologists with information that cannot be obtained by other tests. Since January 2011, when this program was introduced, over 2500 cardiovascular MRIs have been performed at Cook Children's.
In 2015, Cook Children's Health Foundation awarded Dr. Muyskens an Endowed Chair to support the expansion of our CMRI program and its diagnostic uses. Dr. Muyskens has since established the three-dimensional lab for the planning and printing of congenital heart disease (3D aPPROaCH Lab) which uses advanced technology to support pre-surgical planning and family education for patients with complex heart conditions. The dedicated in-house lab utilizes both 3D virtual viewing software and 3D printing to aid in the understanding and planning of complex surgical and interventional cases. Cook Children's is one of a select few pediatric centers in the country to combine these technologies. Additionally, Dr. Muyskens is conducting research of 4-dimensional flow analysis by cardiac MRI. He hopes this emerging technology will allow a more comprehensive understanding of complex vascular anomalies.
Dr. Muyskens loves both the science and the interpersonal side of his work with his patients. He credits his mother with recognizing and encouraging his love of science when he was in 7th grade biology. "That's really where it all began," he says. He also loves spending time with his wife and two daughters. When there is "me time," he can be found cycling or playing golf.
Cardiac MRI
3D printing (rapid prototyping/additive manufacturing)
Transesophageal echocardiography
Transthoracic echocardiogram
Original manuscripts:
Muyskens S, Lasala J, Balzer D. Percutaneous Closure of a Complex Post-Traumatic Muscular Ventricular Septal Defect. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions, 2008; 72: 408-412.
Muyskens S, Nicolas R, Foerster S, Balzer D., Endovascular stent placement for right ventricle to pulmonary artery stenosis in the Sano modified Norwood. Congenital Heart Disease, 2008; 72: 408-412.
Santizo R, Hao-Liang X, Galea E, Muyskens S, Baughman V, Pelligrino D. Combined eNOS upregulation and caveolin-1 down-regulation decrease leukocyte adhesion in pial venules of ovariectomized rats. Stroke, 2002; 33 (2):613-616.
Peer-reviewed web-based publications:
Muyskens S, Number 14-16: Exercise intolerance with d-transposition of the great arteries. Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (SCMR) Website, November 2014.
Muyskens S, Porterfield S. Number 1808: Levoatriocardinal Vein with Normal Intracardiac Anatomy: A Case of Misidentification. Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (SCMR) Website, May 2018.
Selected published abstracts and presentations:
Kuo JA, Roten L, Muyskens S. Use of Real-Time 3-Dimensional Transesophageal Echocardiography in Closure of Multi-Fenestrated Atrial Septal Defects. Poster Presentation, Pediatric Interventional Cardiac Symposium (PICS-AICS). San Diego, California. September 2019.
Muyskens S, Porterfield S. Levoatriocardinal Vein with Normal Intracardiac Anatomy: A Case of Misidentification. Oral Case Review Session 7: Best Cases of the Web. 22nd Annual Scientific Sessions, Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (SCMR) Seattle, Washington. February 2019.
Muyskens S, Nguyen A, Hamby T. Beyond Magnetic Resonance Angiography in Anomalous Aortic Origin of the Coronary Arteries: Additive Value of Late Gadolinium Enhancement. Poster Presentation, 22nd Annual Scientific Sessions, Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (SCMR). Seattle, Washington. February 2019.
Muyskens S, Roshan T, Honan K, Umejiego J. Effect of General Anesthesia on Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Derived Cardiac Function in Tetralogy of Fallot. Poster Presentation, 21st Annual Scientific Sessions, Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (SCMR). Barcelona, Spain. January 2018.
Muyskens S, Roten L, Olmstead K, Hamby T. Magnetic Resonance Angiography to Assess Anomalous Coronary Arteries in Children at 3-Tesla: Diagnosis, Risk Stratification, and Interobserver Reliability. Oral Presentation, 20th Annual Scientific Sessions, Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (SCMR). Washington, D.C. February 2017.
Muyskens S, Holt DB, Ludomirsky A, Woodard P, Foerster S, Balzer D, Fletcher G, Pilgram T, Singh G. A Novel Method for the Non-Invasive Assessment of Homograft Function in Children: A Doppler Echo, CT Angiography, and Catheterization Correlative Study. Oral Presentation, North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging (NASCI). Orlando, FL. October 2009.
Muyskens S, Holt DB, Ludomirsky A, Woodard P, Foerster S, Balzer D, Fletcher G, Pilgram T, Singh G. A Novel Approach to Noninvasive Assessment of Homograft Form and Function: A Catheterization, Doppler Echo and CT Angiography Correlative Study. Poster Presentation, American Society of Echocardiography (ASE). Washington, D.C. June 2009. Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, 2009; 22 (5): 602.
Muyskens S, Holt DB, Ludomirsky A, Woodard P, Foerster S, Balzer D, Fletcher G, Pilgram T, Singh G. A Novel Approach to Noninvasive Assessment of Homograft Form and Function: A Catheterization, Doppler Echo and CT Angiography Correlative Study. Poster Presentation, Washington University Department of Pediatrics Research Retreat. Saint Louis, Missouri. April 2009.
Yayah NH, Muyskens S, Green R, Singh G. The Prevalence of Pulmonary Hypertension in Children with Hyperthyroidism and Its Response to Therapy. Poster Presentation, Washington University Department of Pediatrics Research Retreat. Saint Louis, Missouri. April 2009.
Muyskens S, Foerster S, Balzer D. Efficacy and Safety of Intracardiac Echocardiography for the Transcatheter Closure of Atrial Septal Defects in Children. Oral presentation, Pediatric Interventional Cardiac Symposium (PICS). Las Vegas, Nevada. July 2008. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions, 2008; 71 (7): S8-9.
Muyskens S, Holt T, Balzer D, Woodard P, Ludomirsky A, Singh G. RV to PA Homograft Patency: Catheter, Echo, and CT Angiogram Correlative Study. Oral Presentation, Washington University Early Research Symposium. Saint Louis, Missouri. November 2007.
Muyskens S, Nicolas R, Foerster S, Balzer D. Endovascular stent placement for right ventricle to pulmonary artery stenosis in the Sano modified Norwood. Oral presentation, Midwest Pediatric Cardiology Society Meeting. St. Louis, Missouri. September 2007.
Muyskens S, Nicolas R, Foerster S, Balzer D. RV to PA conduit stenosis in the Sano modified Norwood: An institutional experience with endovascular stenting. Oral presentation, Pediatric Interventional Cardiac Symposium (PICS). Las Vegas, Nevada. July 2007. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions, 2007; 70 (1): S2
Invited lecutures/presentations:
Cardiac Care in Nueuromuscular Disorders: Focus on Duchenne's MD, Pediatric Neuromuscular Conference2018
Use of 3D Technology in Congenital Heart Disease, Hands-On Half-Day 3D Printing & Virtual Lab, NeoHeart 2018
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